Return of the Quasar
Return of the Quasar (Mix I)
Return of the Quasar (MASS Mix)
Return of the Quasar is the first track written by NTM UK on the Quasimidi Quasar for over nine years. The only difference being here is that the PR-100 is replaced with a computer based sequencer, allowing the information recorded from the module to be manipulated slightly to fit in the mix more professionally.
There were several directions considered when composing the individual pieces; dictated by the sounds available from the Quasimidi Quasar. The most practical and chosen route was to create several pieces into one, leaving the transitional sections as avenues for the more obscure sounding samples the Quasar has to offer.
The end result is one version that is raw and true entirely to the Quasar with the only other intervention being Nuendo acting as a MIDI trigger. The second version brings the composition into Nuendo allowing the MIDI to be converted to audio thereafter creating a more electronically stimulated mix. This stimulation comes in the form of reverb, chorus and mastering tools.
The unfortunate thing was the absence of the Hardcore Board extension; something that use to be part of my digital arsenal. These additional 256 sounds to the original 1000 offered an exclusive industrial element to the sound collection; Metal hits, dirty saw waves and samples that defy naming. In its place however was another extension board that represented the sounds of electro, theses sounds fall almost into the same category to Quasar’s younger brother Technox.